Community Trigger 2020

Anti-social Behaviour Case Review South Wales

The ASB Case Review provides an important safety net for victims of
persistent anti-social behaviour and those who may be most vulnerable.

Learn More Request a Review


Anti-Social behaviour is defined as any behaviour causing harassment, alarm or distress. The ASB Case Review allows victims of persistent anti-social behaviour, who have previously reported incidents, to request a review of their case where they feel the actions taken have not been adequate.

This will bring relevant agencies together to share information, review the actions that have been taken and try to reach a solution that will hopefully prevent similar incidents from happening again.

If activated a multiagency panel will be brought together to review the case. The victim will receive a response within 28 days of the Case Review being activated.

The ASB Case Review is not a complaints procedure and as such it does not replace the internal complaints processes for individual agencies about individual officers or services such as :-

  • where staff have been rude or disrespectful to you
  • where staff have given inaccurate or misleading information
  • where staff have promised things, such as telephone calls or meetings and have not delivered on these
  • where the organisation has failed to follow their policy and/or procedure

Such complaints should be made in line with the relevant organisations complaint process.

'Anti-social behaviour is defined as ‘behaviour causing harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household.'

Who can use the ASB Case Review?

  • Victims of anti-social behaviour.
  • Someone representing a victim such as a carer, Councillor or family member. Consent must be gained from the victim prior to the application.
  • Communities or Businesses.

When can it be used?

  • Three incidents of ASB in a six month period reported by one person.
  • Five reported incidents of ASB in a six month period
    involving a linked location reported by more than one person.
  • One incident or crime motivated by hate (hate incident/crime) reported by one person.


The ASB Case Review Appeals Process  

The Appeal process is listed below, all Case Review Appeals need to be sent directly to the Police and Commissioner:

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales is the appeals body for ASB Case Review cases.

An appeal can be made, in writing, if an individual has submitted an application for an ASB Case review and:

  • It was assessed as not meeting the locally agreed threshold or
  • It met the locally agreed threshold resulting in an ASB Case Review taking place and an action plan drawn up (where applicable) but is not satisfied with the outcome

An applicant acting on behalf of a victim must also provide a signed consent letter with the appeal.

Dissatisfaction with the delivery of an action plan should be raised with the designated CPS SPOC for ASB Case Reviews.

Appeals Process Timescales

  • The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner must receive your appeal within 28 days of the date you were notified of the decision that you are appealing against or of the date you were notified of the outcome you are appealing against.

The decision of the Police and Crime Commissioner on any grounds of appeal is final.

If you wish to see a copy of the ASB Case Review Flow Chart please email:

ASB Case Review Single Point of Contact

Contact Name: Neal Benyon
Email Address:

Tel: 02920 537199
Mailbox for applications:

Contact Name: Heather Dobbs
Email Address:

Tel: 01656 306069
Mailbox for applications:

Contact Name: Stacey Evans
Email Address:

Tel: 01446 450200 Stacey Evans
Mailbox for applications:

Contact Name: Gareth Pritchard
Email Address:

Tel: 01792635600
Mailbox for applications:

Contact Name: Sarah Williams
Email Address:

Tel: 01639 889723
Mailbox for applications:

Contact Name: Katie Davies
Email Address:

Tel: 01443 442100
Mailbox for applications:

Contact Name: Carl Cooper
Email Address:

Tel: 01685 725000
Mailbox for applications:

Frequently Asked Questions

This is part of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 the legislation has given Police and Crime Commissioners statutory responsibility for new tools and powers this being the ASB Case review and was introduced across South Wales Force area in 2015.  The process acts as a “backstop safety net for victims” (individuals or groups of individuals) who have:

  • Suffered from and reported at least three incidents of anti-social behaviour in a six month period.
  • Reported each of these incidents within one month of the incident occurring

The purpose is to review specific cases and actions that have been taken as a result of anti-social behaviour incidents being reported. The aim is to ensure that appropriate levels of enforcement and support are either in place or have been considered.

  • Victim of anti-social behaviour – Any victim who has reported three incidents of anti-social behaviour within a six month period can request that a case review be considered.
  • Victims Representative – a third party such as family member, friend, carer, councillor, MP or other professional person. A third party can only request a case review on behalf of a victim if they have the victim’s signed consent.  Checks will be made to ensure that third party requests are genuine; the victim will be contacted to ensure that they are happy with the request being made.
  • Business or community group.

No this is not a complaints process.  If you want to make a complaint about an individual’s conduct, you must use the complaints procedure of that individual’s specific organisation.

The local Police and Crime Commissioner must be consulted when the ASB Case Review/Community Trigger procedure is set up and whenever it is reviewed.  The Police and Crime Commissioner can be involved directly in the procedure, for example by:

  • Auditing case reviews;
  • Providing a route for victims to query the decision on whether the threshold was met or the way in which the review was carried out; or
  • Monitoring use of the ASB Case Review/Community Trigger to identify any learning and best practice.

Police and Crime Commissioners also have responsibilities for the commissioning of victims services and may also want to ensure that local agencies consider how the victim is supported as part of the process.

In order to activate the ASB Case Review you will need to complete the contact form on the website to record details of the date of each incident reported, who it was reported to, including name, organisation and/or reference number if available. You will also need to provide information about the incidents that you reported. You will be asked to agree to your details and information being shared with other agencies.

Following the application of the case review, the contact form is submitted electronically via email to the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner.  The details are recorded and the case is sent to the relevant Local Authority Anti-Social Behaviour coordinator, whereby a decision is made with various agencies as to whether a multiagency panel will be brought together.  The victim will receive a response within 28 days.

An appeals process will be made available.

ASB Case Review Figures

South Wales 2018South Wales 2019South Wales 2021South Wales 2022South Wales 2023
Number of applications received for ASB Case review12231 1218
Number of times the threshold for review was not met1308 4
appeals011 01

Request a Review

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